Paid media4 min read

Google’s privacy shift: the future of third-party cookies

Thu Jul 25 2024 | Tom Walkden

Google’s privacy shift, IDHL


  • Paid media
  • Performance
  • Insight
  • Google

The performance marketing world is no stranger to Google updates, but the latest announcement has left many advertisers and marketers reeling.

On Monday, 22nd July 2024, the search giant stated they are no longer going ahead with their cookie depreciation plans and confirmed in their blog that this move will not impact Privacy Sandbox. This decision comes as a result of feedback from key players in online advertising. Google explained: “We are proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice. Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time. We're discussing this new path with regulators and will engage with the industry as we roll this out.”

Tom Walkden, IDHLs Media Strategy Director, shares his views on the announcement and what it means for advertisers.

While this was undoubtedly a surprise announcement after a period of uncertainty and fluctuations, I think once the industry takes stock, it’ll be clear that the long-term outlook isn’t worrying. It simply solidifies the fact that experts working in the industry need to box clever around data and performance to get the very best results for clients.

The power of first-party and third-party data

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, the ability to adapt sets successful brands apart from the rest. As the digital landscape becomes increasingly complex, it’s important to stay agile and make informed decisions to keep advertising campaigns effective and competitive. This is where the power of data comes into play.

Combining first-party and third-party data is the cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies. The strategic investments in first-party data many companies have made in recent years are not wasted. In my opinion, they are even more powerful when combined with third-party data. This dual approach ensures we can deliver highly targeted, personalised, and effective advertising campaigns, optimising performance and driving superior results for clients.

Navigating the future

In an era where Google updates and unexpected technological shifts can significantly impact advertising strategies, maintaining a robust data-driven approach is crucial.

Advertisers should be aware of the full spectrum of ad partners available and align these to their business objectives. That means working with trusted whole-of-market digital marketing and data specialists who can strategically advise on the best way to invest and when to tailor activity to be ahead of the curve.

At IDHL, we pride ourselves on working alongside our clients to make informed decisions that are not detrimentally impacted by Google updates, or any other significant technology changes, which come unexpectedly.

While the digital marketing sector may face periods of uncertainty and unexpected changes, strategic, data-driven approaches are the key to success. By leveraging both first-party and third-party data, and by maintaining flexibility and foresight, brands can continue to deliver exceptional results. Want expert guidance on data-driven strategies? Contact our paid media experts today.

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