Insight9 min read

Everything you need to know about Google EEAT

Tue Apr 18 2023 | Marketing Team



  • Insight
  • Performance
  • Technical SEO
  • Content

There’s nothing that sends shockwaves through the SEO and content marketing services community quite like a Google update. After all, when Google announces that it’s changing how its algorithm works, the industry needs to respond quickly to meet the new criteria. And this is exactly what happened with the update of Google’s EEAT.

In this article, we’ll talk you through what EEAT means for you, why you should care and what you need to be doing about it.

What is EEAT?

Google EEAT is a set of principles that it uses to evaluate the quality of websites and web pages. EEAT stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, which is an evolution of the previous EAT principles before Experience was added as a key factor.

Google uses EEAT to determine how relevant and helpful a website or web page is to a user's search query. Websites and web pages that are considered to have high EEAT value are more likely to rank higher in Google search results.

There are a number of factors that Google considers when evaluating EEAT, including:

  • The quality of the SEO content on the website or web page
  • The reputation of the website or web page
  • The experience and expertise of the website or web page's author
  • The website or web page's level of authority in its field
  • The website or web page's trustworthiness

In the advice it gives to its own raters (the people who rate websites against EEAT principles), Google gives more information about what it is now looking for:

  • Experience: Google wants raters to consider the extent to which the content creator has the necessary experience to be writing about the topic. For example, has the person writing a review actually used the product, or can they prove that they have industry experience related to the subject they’re writing about?
  • Expertise: Similarly, Google wants to know if you have the necessary knowledge on the topic, otherwise, how can users trust that you are giving the right advice? For example, as a content marketing agency, you would trust that we understand EEAT. But if you found this blog on the website of a joinery business, you may question the relevance and their expertise on this subject.
  • Authoritativeness: Google asks its raters to also consider how much the content creator or website is known as an authority on the subject. This is why it’s important to build reputation through content outreach.
  • Trust: Finally, how trustworthy is the website? Is it accurate, honest, safe and reliable?

How can you implement EEAT on your website?

Websites and web pages can improve how well they fair in relation to EEAT by:

  • Creating high-quality content that is relevant to their target audience
  • Building a strong reputation for providing accurate and helpful information
  • Demonstrating expertise in their field
  • Gaining recognition from other reputable websites and web pages
  • Establishing a track record of trustworthiness

Google EEAT is an important factor in SEO, or search engine optimisation. By understanding and implementing the principles of EEAT, website and web page owners can improve their chances of ranking higher in Google search results. Here are some tips for improving your onsite content:

  • Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience: This means SEO content writing that is well-written, informative, and engaging. It also means making sure that your content is relevant to the keywords that you want to rank for.
  • Build a strong reputation for providing accurate and helpful information: You need to be honest and transparent in your writing, providing sources for your information as well as being responsive to feedback from your readers.
  • Demonstrate expertise in your field: Write about topics that you are knowledgeable about while providing evidence of your expertise, such as links to your qualifications or professional experience.
  • Gain recognition from other reputable websites and web pages: Link building is not dead. Focus should be placed on gaining high-quality links from other websites and web pages that are authoritative in your field. You can do this by guest blogging, participating in online forums, or submitting your content to directories.
  • Establish a track record of trustworthiness: This means being transparent about your identity and affiliation, and providing contact information so that your readers can reach you if they have questions. It also means being consistent in your writing style and tone while avoiding any misleading or deceptive content.

By following these tips, you can improve your website's EEAT and increase your chances of ranking higher in Google search results.

Why does EEAT matter?

Paying attention to and reacting to Google updates is important for several reasons:

  • Stay relevant and compliant: Google updates are designed to improve the quality and relevance of search results. By understanding these updates, you can align your website with Google's guidelines and ensure that your content remains relevant. This helps you maintain or improve your website's visibility in search results, which is crucial for organic traffic and online visibility.
  • Avoid penalties: Google updates can sometimes come with new rules and regulations. Failing to comply with them can result in penalties, such as a drop in rankings or even removal from search results altogether. By staying informed about new Google updates, you can proactively make necessary adjustments to your website and avoid penalties that could negatively impact your online presence.
  • Improve user experience: Google's main goal is to provide the best possible user experience to its users, otherwise, they’ll find a better option. After all, many younger users are already finding what they need from TikTok. This is why Google updates tend to focus on improving user experience, such as better understanding user intent, mobile-friendliness, site speed, and content quality. By understanding these updates, you can make changes to your website that enhance the user experience, resulting in higher engagement, longer time spent on site, and better overall user satisfaction.
  • Competitive advantage: Keeping up with Google updates can give you a competitive advantage over others who may not be aware of the changes. By staying ahead of the curve and adapting your website to align with Google's guidelines, you can potentially outrank your competitors in search results and attract more traffic and customers to your website.
  • Future-proof your SEO strategy: SEO and content marketing are ongoing processes, and Google updates are a regular part of them. By understanding and adapting to new Google updates, you can future-proof your SEO and content strategy, ensure your website remains optimised for search engines and maintain your online visibility in the long run.

How we can help you

EEAT is a lot to think about. But we’re here to help you understand what your next steps need to be. We have the tools that you can use to get ahead of your competitors:

  • Content quality score: Our Research and Development team built a tool that quantifies content quality of our clients and their competitors. Looking at more than 13 different metrics, the CQS evaluates content giving it a score out of 100. Do we practice what we preach? Content written by our content team regularly scores 75 and above.
  • Competitor analysis: Do you really know who your competition is? Using our in-house, exclusive Competitor Analysis tool, we take stock of where you are versus where you want to be. Conducting SEO analysis in comparison to your leading and direct competitors, we dig for gaps found against key SEO metrics. These form the building blocks of your SEO strategy, identifying what your site needs, in order of priority, to get you ahead of your competitors.

Nucleus Commercial Finance have already seen the benefits of working with us, achieving a 148% increase in ranking phrases and a rise in domain authority.

We have also helped National Accident Helpline maintain their leading market position for headline terms and find incremental gains in what is a highly competitive market, achieving CTA clicks increase of 82%.

So why not find out what our content marketing services can do for you by getting in touch today?

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