Support timebank SLA

How does it work?

Support desk operates during Statement’s usual business hours, 8:30am - 5pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays) and uses a ticketing system to respond to requests. Our support desk consists of Shopify developers who deal exclusively with minor changes and improvements for our existing clients.By purchasing a bank of pre-purchased hours you can submit ad hoc support requests through the support team ticketing system in parallel to any pre-planned quoted development work or any retained scheduled development hours. Support desk time is purchased in advance and is drawn down in 15-minute increments as tickets are completed.The support time bank can be topped up at any time and has a minimum purchase of 10 hours. Each top-up extends the life of the time bank by 12 months.Each ticket raised by you within the support team ticketing system must include the level of urgency you deem the ticket to be together with a clear description and any links, screenshots, browser and device information where necessary in order for the developers to action the request appropriately. Statement reserves the right to adjust the level of Urgency applied to a ticket you have raised.

Support desk can be used for:

Bug - e.g. Incorrect pricing on the website.Support - a question, query or request - e.g. Where do I upload images for the hero banner?Features - A request for a new feature or development. e.g. Can this new script be added to the website?There may be certain tickets raised by you that Statement may deem to be out of scope, including but not limited to:A ticket which would use too many hoursA ticket which requires further scoping and the complexity would be better planned into a retainer or separate, quoted for, piece of workA ticket where either Shopify or a third party is responsible for its resolution (e.g. a bug in a third party app)


Tickets will be deployed at a suitably agreed time between you and Statement. Deployments will generally take place between 9am - 3:30pm, Monday - Thursday (excluding bank holidays).

Benefits of support desk

Gives clients access to developers who are available to action any bugs, development work and answer any questions or queriesClients have full visibility of how their time is being usedPre-purchased time is drawn down in 15-minute intervals, so you are not paying an hourly rate for minor changes

Service delivery SLAs

  1. 1
    Major - An Issue that means that the website or a major part of the website is unavailable, and which is critical to Your ability to perform your business. Target response - Acknowledged within 1 hour. Target resolution - 80% of Major Issues resolved within 2 Business Days.
  2. 2
    Medium - An Issue in the website which is not critical to Your ability to perform your business and which is not a Severity Level 3 error, fault or defect. Target response - Acknowledged within 3 hours. Target resolution - 75% of Medium Issues resolved within 5 Business Days.
  3. 3
    Minor - An Issue that (i) has no substantial impact on the website or (ii) that relates to Website Development Deliverables. Target response - Acknowledged within 5 days. Target response - 70% of Minor Issues Resolved within 11 Business Days.


  • Work by a Designer / Developer / Analyst
  • Meetings or calls (including preparation) with a director or developer. Travel time is excluded
  • Ticket estimation, scoping, project management, quality assurance & testing is based on a flat rate provision of 20% of your design & development hours

Non Billable

  • Account Management
  • Meetings or calls (including preparation) with an Account Manager

On initial response we will make reasonable endeavours to either resolving the Issue or giving an action plan and options to resolve the Issue in accordance with the above timescales.

Targets for resolution timescales do not apply where the resolution is dependent on you or a third party under your control or a third party under neither our nor your control.

Target resolution times shall be measured over a rolling 12-month period beginning on the date of acceptance of the Statement of Work and subject to a minimum of 5 tickets for the relevant severity level being logged by you within that period.

You accept that We will not take instructions from anyone who is not stated by You as a Sufficiently Authorised Representative.