Insight9 min read

Creating the perfect product page for your eCommerce site

Tue Jul 25 2023 | Marketing Team

eCommerce site


  • Insight
  • Web & eCommerce
  • eCommerce

Walking into a store on the high street you will be greeted by well-thought-out displays, an array of product options, and the help of store assistants for any questions you might have. From the moment you enter the store to the moment you leave, your journey has been well orchestrated, encouraging you to make a purchase. Your online store needs to do exactly the same, and more.

As the online space continues to grow with more brands offering similar products with every passing day, ensuring your website delivers what the consumer expects is vital. Much like in a physical store, your product pages must provide clear and easy-to-find information, attractive imagery and guide the consumers’ journeys to purchase. Without the presence of in-store employees to support the shopping experience, your product page must be up to the task, or you risk losing sales.

Crafting a product page that packs a punch

Creating a product page that encourages the user to continue their journey with you isn’t as simple as taking some pretty pictures and an ‘add to basket button.’ In this article, we take a look at how to make your product page a success…

Site speed and structure

It’s no secret that our attention spans have taken a hit in recent years. You risk losing customers if your site doesn’t deliver what your user wants quickly. From easy navigation to site speed, your website needs to offer the goods fast or risk the user heading to a competitor’s site.

Consider working with an agency that can test your site speed and identify what is slowing down your site. Whether it’s overloaded with unnecessary plug-ins or weighed down by excessive content and large images, an agency can pinpoint the issue and resolve it, fast.

Alongside the speed of your site, how easy it is to navigate is important in keeping users engaged on your website. Complicated and unclear navigation is one surefire way to lose your audience’s interest. Look at competitor websites to see how their site structure differs from yours and go through their purchasing journey. What worked well and what didn’t you like? Repeat this on your own site and identify areas that could be streamlined.

Get your imagery on point

Ultimately, we buy with our eyes. We’re visual creatures, you only need to look at the popularity of platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to see how driven we are by this form of content. The same goes for your product pages. If you want to make the sale, your imagery needs to be a cut above the rest.

Your website imagery needs to grab your users' attention and evoke an emotion in them to encourage conversion. When adding images to your site, consider:

  • The quality of your image: Having blurry or poorly constructed images doesn’t incite confidence in your brand or product. Ensure your images are high quality and showcase your products in the best light. Brands that don’t prioritise this face losing customers, with 67 percent of consumers stating that overall image quality influences their purchasing decisions.
  • The more the merrier: Don’t stop at one image. Consumers want to see items from multiple angles and perspectives. For certain products such as clothes, consider different sized models and videos to really accentuate your items.
  • Involve your customers: User-generated content is one of the best assets available to use on your site. Nothing sells a product like good reviews from a genuine customer. Incorporate images from your customers to showcase your products in real-life situations, bringing another dimension to your products. You can also use these images across your social media, helping to boost brand awareness.

It’s all in the copy

It might be our eyes that make us fall in love with a product, but our heads demand more information before committing to a purchase. How you describe your product and the information you provide can make or break a sale.

Be sure to include all the key details about your product, including:

  • Size, colour and design options: If you have variations of your product, from colour to size, ensure that these are easily identifiable. Incorporate things like colour charts and size guides to help the customer narrow down their options.
  • Dimensions: Whether you’re selling sofas or t-shirts, product dimensions should be clear to find and easy to understand. Online shopping doesn’t give you the benefit of seeing the size of a product in person before purchasing, so accurate dimensions are vital.
  • Delivery and returns: Outline your delivery and returns prices and policies from the get-go. There’s nothing more frustrating for a customer than getting to the end stages of checkout and discovering a hefty delivery cost, long waiting times, or inflexible returns.

Your copy also plays a vital role in getting people to your site. Once users land on your page, half the battle is already over but how do you drive users to your product page in the first place?

Enter, SEO.

Search engine optimisation should be at the forefront of your mind when crafting your copy. Including relevant keywords across your page helps to boost the organic presence of your site online, driving customers to your products. Easier said than done, some brands face fierce competition for widely used keywords, such as those in the fashion industry. For brands struggling to up their SEO game, working with a specialist SEO agency can help to revive your strategy and boost your organic traffic.

How our expertise can propel your product pages to success

We don’t want to blow our own trumpet but we know a thing or two about product pages. With over a decade of experience developing websites, we have the expertise to help you create product pages that boost conversions. Working with you we identify areas of your site that could use some TLC, using testing and data to develop a strategy for your site.

We run multiple tests to identify what areas of your site need support, including…

  • UX audits: Understanding what’s working - and what’s not - on your site is the first step in propelling your product pages. Our audit can help to uncover key issues such as where your users drop off from their journey and why they abandon their basket.
  • User testing: If you want to know what your users really think about your site, ask them. User testing puts your audience in the driving seat, providing them with tests on-site to get their feedback.
  • Heatmaps and screen recordings: Both tools allow you to see which areas of your site are most engaged with, which cause sticking points and where users choose to exit your site. Using this data, you can see which parts of your site are working and which need a refresh.

Using a multitude of tests, we can identify areas of your product pages that are hindering conversions and create a plan to rectify these problems.

Don’t just take our word for it

We’ve worked with clients across a plethora of industries, helping to take their product pages to the next level:

  • Hell Bunny: London-based fashion retailer, Hell Bunny wanted a site that was easy for their customers to use. With a focus on clear navigation and emphasising their inclusive sizing, we used user testing to drive meaningful changes to their website.
  • Bean Bag Bazaar: Selling soft furnishings online, Bean Bag Bazaar wanted to ensure they were delivering a seamless journey on their site. Worried that their users were struggling with their purchasing process, Bazaar wanted to change their product pages but were unsure where to start. We tested elements on-site to uncover which parts of their site could use some help.

For eCommerce brands, your product pages are integral to the success of your store. Investing time and resources into these pages only serves to support your growth and, ultimately, boost your sales. If you feel like your product pages are lacking, don’t wait to fix things, get in touch and see how we can help.

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