Insight3 min read

The impact of Google’s latest broad core update

Thu Apr 13 2023 | Marketing Team

Google core update


  • Insight
  • Performance
  • Technical SEO

Staying still in the digital age isn’t an option and Google is no stranger to this fact. As we constantly evolve how we use the online world, Google’s updates aim to improve the overall experience, providing the most relevant and reliable results to users.

On 15 March Google announced the latest Core Update which finished rolling out on 28 March and was the ninth iteration since 2020. Now the dust has settled, we’re taking a look at what this latest update means and the impact we’ve seen on our clients.

What is a Google core update?

As our online use continues to change, Google uses core updates to evaluate how content is ranked and how this best serves users. These updates and any impact seen from them don’t mean your site was necessarily ‘wrong’ before, just that the goalposts have shifted. Google uses the below analogy to explain the updates:

‘One way to think of how a core update operates is to imagine you made a list of the top 100 movies in 2021. A few years later in 2024, you refresh the list. It's going to naturally change. Some new and wonderful movies that never existed before will now be candidates for inclusion. You might also reassess some films and realise they deserved a higher place on the list than they had before.’

Change isn’t a bad thing: the impact our clients are seeing

Since the update, our client base has seen a net estimated traffic gain of 1,018,373 monthly visits. This metric is based on estimated search volumes and click-through rates for the rankings of the 144,000 keywords we track.

In simple terms, our clients are seeing a positive uplift in traffic to their site following the update’s initial rollout. Some sectors appear to be benefitting the most from the March update, with our clients in forex, fashion, hardware and travel having the most noticeable positive impact.

The proof’s in the pudding

Still feeling a little twitchy about the updates? We get it. But Google releases these changes to better the experience for everyone, and help guide websites with best practices to follow.

Following the most recent update, many of our clients have seen the positive benefit of Google updates:

Positive benefit

This client saw an immediate and noticeable uplift from the day the update rolled out. This uplift has maintained steadily since then.


Another of our clients also saw instant uplifts in traffic, which have continued to increase.

Traffic climb

Still not convinced? Here’s a third client who saw their traffic climb as a result of the update.

Working with the right agency makes all the difference

We don’t want to toot our own horn, but we work closely with our clients across the year to ensure their site follows best practices and adheres to Google’s guidelines. This means when updates come knocking, your site is in the best position to ride out the wave and, more often than not, benefit from them.

Don’t let Google updates keep you up at night. We can work with you, monitoring your site following any changes and tackling any movement in rankings.

Want to know more about how we work? Get in touch with our experts.

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