Nosto, IDHL


A world-leading personalisation platform for eCommerce, Nosto works with 2,500+ online retailers delivering more than 25 billion personalised shopping experiences. Working closely with Nosto, we aim to make your customer’s shopping experience more personal, enjoyable and intuitive by using the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

Offering valuable insights and recommendations, Nosto provides the technology to create a completely personalised shopping solution.

From product recommendations to content personalisation, to onsite popups and personalised emails, we can create an insightful shopping experience no matter who your customer is and wherever they are in their shopping cycle.

How does Nosto work?

Nosto’s AI-powered eCommerce intelligence engine utilises machine learning algorithms to analyse shopping journeys to maximise online store performance. Integrating with Adobe Commerce (Magento), Nosto has the ability to access product and customer data (in a GDPR compliant way), constantly learning to implement personalisation across different channels.

Nosto can give businesses the capability to react to new opportunities, deploying relevant campaigns and improving existing ones with ease. Nosto operates through a four-layer approach:

  1. 1
    The product graph captures product variant details, margin data, inventory levels and items most commonly bought together. This provides a deep understanding of how products in a store relate to one another.
  2. 2
    Shopper profiles harness unique data profiles for each website user gathering information on their location, individual choices and preferences. This includes factors such as price sensitivity and purchase history.
  3. 3
    Revenue optimisation analyses the revenue performance of every product across the store and gives additional attention to products that have more revenue potential.
  4. 4
    Social layer combines integrations and APIs to encompass social data including reviews and product ratings.

Additionally, Nosto’s Graph QL provides a more flexible and robust method for fetching and displaying personalised recommendations and content, optimising in the favour of the eCommerce retailer.

Our partnership with Nosto

Our recommended solution for improving personalised shopping experiences, Nosto is integrated with Magento through a simple plug-in, ensuring easy migration, risk-free deployment and a faster time to market.

We have been an official Nosto partner for three years, creating effective and responsive shopping solutions for our clients. Through this solution, we are able to offer:

Onsite product recommendations: Deliver personalised and relevant product recommendations to your consumers based on their individual buying behaviour and data.

Onsite content personalisation: Each customer can enjoy an individual and personalised shopping experience. Nosto gives us the ability to personalise every element of your eCommerce store including navigation bars, banners, graphics and logos to make them more specific to the user’s shopping journey.

Segmentation and insights: eCommerce focused insights offer a wealth of data to help you understand your customer. Using this valuable information, you can find similar customers and target them with personalised product offers.

Onsite pop-ups: Nosto can help reduce site abandonment with special offers and personalised discounts.

Personalised emails: Triggered emails allow you to target your customers and reconnect with relevant, inspiring content.

Facebook and Instagram ads: Your social media strategy is important, strengthen it with Nosto and their dynamic advertising service.

In-store personalisation: Offer a true omnichannel shopping experience to your client by connecting the transactional data of your physical store with your eCommerce behavioural data.

Mobile App Personalisation: Merchants are capable of delivering engaging shopping experiences with users beyond their desktop. Tailoring content, product recommendations and popups based on the user’s onsite behaviours allows businesses to create personalised shopping experiences across native mobile apps, progressive web apps and single page apps.

The integration of Nosto has enabled our clients to successfully connect shoppers with the exact product they are looking for, providing a personalised, enjoyable shopping experience that produces impressive results.

For more information on how Nosto could benefit your online store, reach out to us today.