Yotpo, IDHL


Yotpo is an eCommerce marketing platform that helps brands drive growth by creating engaging experiences to build lasting customer relationships.

Their integrated solutions for reviews, visual User Generated Content (UGC), rewards, and referrals empower businesses to win over new audiences using their customers’ voice. Yotpo’s products work together to build a consistent, relevant buyer journey, from acquisition to retention.

Using Yotpo, you can leverage social proof in the form of reviews, referrals and loyalty programs to increase the trust of your users and make better business decisions based on what your customers really want.

Why Yotpo?

Through this solution, we are able to offer:

  • Reviews & Ratings:
    • Review request emails
    • Community Q&A
    • Onsite reviews
    • Customer questions
    • Coupon Review Incentive
    • Official partnership with Google and Facebook
  • Loyalty & Referrals:
    • Flexible reward structure
    • Incentives for repeat referrals
    • Tier-based programs
    • Program analytics
    • Multi-channel support
    • Multiple sharing options
  • Visual Marketing:
    • Instagram curation
    • Photos in reviews
    • Upload on site
    • Engage with video
    • Shoppable galleries
    • Instagram Ads
    • Image rights management
    • Facebook Ads
    • Dynamic retargeting ads

How does Yotpo work?

Offered as a free version with limited capabilities or as a Premium version, Yotpo gives businesses the opportunity to optimise their UGC across all channels. By integrating this third-party solution into your website, Yotpo can collect, distribute and analyse customer’s thoughts and feelings across multiple channels. By extracting informative reviews and using smart displays, you can effectively engage with and convert shoppers. This is done by:

  • Moderating user-generated content, identifying natural language and scoring every review as either positive or negative
  • Filtering reviews quickly to find relevant informative content such as category, age, gender, and rating
  • Using the on-product review widget to display your best reviews creating a higher converting shopper experience
  • Analysing customer reviews from the dashboard to help you make more informed, valuable business decisions based on direct customer feedback

Our partnership with Yotpo

Our recommended solution for providing public consumer advocacy, Yotpo, a Premier Magento Partner is easily integrated with Adobe Commerce (Magento). This solution is already helping many large brands across the world such as MorocconOil, Helly Hansen and Everlast drive customer loyalty and accelerate growth. An official Yotpo partner, we implement this effective solution to support merchants in delivering:

Onsite conversions through display reviews, ratings, Q&A, photos and videos at key conversion points across your website

High-intent traffic acquisition through Yotpo’s partnerships with Google, Facebook and Instagram

Customer insights that help discover opportunities to improve customer experience, using AI to break down reviews into valuable, actionable insights

Shopper experience improvements that encourage your customers to make better purchasing decisions by combining reviews, photos, videos and Q & A across all your marketing channels

The ability to manage a range of UGC with one solution is beneficial for your business. The singular dashboard displays the most engaging UGC allowing you to optimise your business decisions. Additionally, Yotpo also has the ability to analyse content, providing insight to improve products and services while also offering loyalty and referral features that complement your UGC. For more information on how Yotpo could benefit your online store, reach out to us today.