PACEY hero image

Elevating PACEY’s join & renew journeys for their members

Formed in 1977, PACEY is the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years. A charity that represents the views and experiences of 35,000 members across England and Wales, PACEY’s focus is on supporting practitioners to provide information and advice to children, their families and carers.


  • Membership
  • Web & eCommerce
  • Kentico
  • Website development
  • Design, UX & UI
  • Discovery & scoping

The brief

PACEY work closely with practitioners to ensure they continuously deliver high-quality services, which heavily involves their website. Partnering with us eight years ago, the team lean on us for support with driving their website forward, enabling them to continuously improve the experience for both new and existing members.

With an existing Kentico implementation in place and a long-standing relationship with IDHL, we work closely with PACEY’s internal development team, making incremental improvements to their website to form the solution they need.

In 2020, the team were looking at taking on a huge project to completely rebuild their CRM and connect it to their website. Exploring their options, PACEY considered moving away from Kentico to a different CMS. Not wanting to make the move unless absolutely necessary, PACEY came to us for advice. Combining our extensive knowledge of Kentico and PACEY’s business and objectives, we explored the risks and determined whether the platform could deliver what PACEY needed.

After having in-depth discussions with us and thinking it over, PACEY decided staying with Kentico was the best solution. The next thing they needed help with was the CRM migration itself.

PACEY Website

The solution

Significant discovery work that touched all business departments was needed to understand PACEY’s requirements and audience. This helped us to determine a robust project scope. We also built a relationship with PACEY’s new CRM provider, working alongside them to ensure the CRM requirements aligned with how the website should work.

In tandem with the migration project, PACEY wanted us to rebuild their join and renew journey within the site. Increasing member acquisition and retention were key project objectives, requiring a new design and an enhanced user journey.

PACEY wanted to entice existing customers to renew their membership and also encourage new registrations. The discovery phase of the project was key to achieving this. As part of our solution, we conducted user research, stakeholder interviews and a UX workshop and then created multiple user personas. Our findings helped us to understand how we could improve the join and renew journey, producing a new visual direction for the registration process.

PACEY’s renewal journey is now a multistep checkout process where the user answers a series of questions. Based on their answers, the site automatically displays the best membership option for them. The new streamlined process and enhanced user experience help to save time and reduce complexity, improving member satisfaction.

PACEYs website

The results

Through considered research, design and development, we delivered a better registration experience for PACEY’s members. Since the new join and renew journey went live, finer details and new features have been rolled out based on user feedback. We continue to work iteratively and in close partnership partner with PACEY, exploring other areas for improvement and ensuring the business goes from strength to strength.