Enhancing UX for Red Equipment
The brief
The Red team wanted to merge the two sites together and only have one site to maintain and for users to shop. The site navigations needed to be merged into one on the Red Equipment site to represent all categories and products.
As Red Equipment was primarily a paddle-boarding site, the Red team wanted to make sure that users could still find all the Red Original products on the site.

The solution
We ran a UX Workshop to determine: who the Red users are, why users come to the different websites, which categories were duplicates and which were new, and which categories were a priority from a business perspective.
Created a proposed navigation based on the workshop findings with categories to remove and new categories to implement.
We ran a UX research exercise called tree testing where target users are shown a stripped-back version of a navigation and asked to find content and products within it. Testers were asked questions based on navigation changes with the aim of finding out if users could still find Red Original products as well as Red Equipment products in the new navigation. Using the results of the tree test, we suggested areas of navigation to be revised and which wireframes of the navigation needed to be created.
We then ran a first click test which shows testers the wireframes and asks them to click where they would expect to find products or content. Again, we asked the testers questions based on the wireframes to ensure users could still find Red Original and Red Equipment products in the new navigation. Based on the results of the first click test, we suggested which areas of the navigation should be revised and we reflected this within the wireframes.
The result
Tree testing revealed the new navigation performed well and only needed a few tweaks. We were confident users would be able to find Red Equipment and Red Original products within the new navigation.
From the wireframe's first click testing we revised the wireframes slightly to incorporate extra categories or a change of wording. These wireframes were then created into designs and developed for the Red Equipment website.