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Data-driven strategies elevate online presence

Simpson Millar LLP provide legal services and support to the general public. They wanted to improve their rankings surrounding key terms and get ahead of algorithm updates that were holding them back. We worked with them to ensure their easy-to-understand services weren’t getting lost amidst the competition.

The brief

To help Simpson Millar LLP achieve their goal, we outlined several key objectives: enhancing rankings for competitive keywords, driving overall online visibility and building the authority of their website.

The solution

Understanding Simpson Millar’s objectives and homing in on key focus areas was paramount. They came to us looking to improve rankings for two main areas: Personal Injury and Medical Negligence and to undo any negative implications from algorithm updates. 

First on the agenda, we needed to understand which parts of the site were up to scratch and which could use a refresh. We undertook technical audits to identify areas on Simpson Millar’s site that we needed our attention. Not stopping there, we took a deep dive into the site’s page speed, ran an in-depth content audit and looked at which sections of the site could be removed.

With key focus areas for ranking decided, we ran keyword research to identify which words and phrases would best support Simpson Millar’s objectives. Armed with the correct keywords, we then needed to ensure their site was delivering top-quality content to support their ranking goals. Focusing initially on landing pages, we re-wrote pages that targeted ‘personal injury’ and ‘medical negligence’. 

Once the new content and landing pages were up and running, we kept our eyes peeled for any changes in rankings. To make sure we were delivering what was needed, we periodically ran technical audits to highlight where things were excelling or if there were any areas that needed a change in strategy.

New pages written and onsite content optimised, we wanted to drive traffic and views to these pages. Using outreach and digital PR tactics, we created data-led campaigns to boost both link and citation values. Running campaigns every two months we kept the momentum going, targeting multiple niches and regional pick-up.

Through these highly targeted campaigns, we were able to increase Simpson Millar’s authority in the legal space and boost their overall visibility online.

Simpson Millar LLP

The results


increase in visibility YoY


increase in medical negligence visibility YOY


increase in personal injury YoY

Pos 15

for 'personal injury solicitor' for pos 65

Pos 10

for 'medical negligence solicitors' from pos 68

Pos 17

for 'personal injury lawyer' from pos 54