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International outreach: What should you consider?

Mon Nov 23 2020 | Marketing Team

International outreach


  • Insight
  • Performance
  • Outreach

An international SEO strategy is essential for your business if you wish to expand and target potential customers across different regions. An important component of any successful SEO strategy is outreach, and this is just as true for international SEO.

Outreach is a great way to build brand awareness while also presenting your business to both existing and new target audiences. When done effectively, it has the power to maximise your online visibility, creating valuable backlinks from high authority sites to your website helping to increase your organic rankings and domain authority (DA).

What does your business need for an international outreach strategy?

There’s more to international outreach than you may think. To successfully implement an international outreach strategy, here is what your business will need:

Access to native speakers

When it comes to international outreach, the aim is to resonate with the audience you want to reach. As such, native speakers are vital to producing impressive international outreach results.

However, native speakers provide more value than simply supporting your brand with the nuances of a local language. They have real-world, first-hand experience of how people respond to different messaging in a specific culture. This ability means your brand can fluently communicate with your audience with minimal language barriers and with sensitivity to cultural differences.

Putting your international outreach in the hands of native speakers, you can not only rest assured your brand is communicating with your audience in a way they want to be communicated with, but also your brand can learn from and trust in them when expanding your global presence.

To build knowledge of local markets

Understanding the local market is critical to launching an international outreach strategy but this runs much deeper that simply considering local language.

Each region also has a unique and rich culture for you to absorb as well as trends that are relevant to them alone. As a result, it is not uncommon to find that a topic that may trigger an instant positive response in one country may not generate the same immediate result in another. Armed with this knowledge, you can craft outreach campaigns that will generate the right impact from your targeted audience.

Produce quality, localised content

High-quality content is fundamental to successful outreach. Your content needs to demonstrate the knowledge you’ve gained of the specific market with localised keyword and trend research undertaken for that country or region.

Vague or thin knowledge and the use of translation tools is simply not enough to produce the credible, relevant and well-written articles that are required to see your brand featured on high-quality sites.

To give you the best chance of launching a successful international outreach campaign, we recommend leveraging the skill of your native speakers. This way you can ensure the content produced is always accurate, relevant and to the highest quality to give your brand a chance of being mentioned across top-quality websites.

From experience, we know that while some countries react extremely well to informative, data-driven content pieces, others are receptive to more visual content. Keeping a record of what works and what doesn’t in each region will help with this.

Learn how a region wants to engage

How you engage in outreach activity will depend upon the region you are targeting. Some countries typically like a more formal, professional approach while others prefer to nurture more personal relationships. Taking the time to learn more about appropriate outreach etiquette for the regions you want to target is a must.

How and when you outreach in each region may also differ, but you should always ensure communication from your brand is clear, well structured, personalised and sensitive to that area. Consider the time zone to ensure you are available to communicate effectively with contacts during your outreach activity.

Why work with an international outreach agency

Creating a customised international outreach strategy for your brand is a great way to gain high-quality links and increase your organic visibility. However, it requires a lot of work to be done effectively.

This tactic involves substantial research, an understanding of local markets and the ability to craft engaging content that will resonate with the reader. As an outreach marketing agency, we have this unique skillset in-house.

Our international outreach team holds extensive experience of navigating international markets and offering native content for your target region. With the capabilities to cover approximately 90 countries, they not only understand the language but also how your audience differs from country to country including the cultures and local trends. This ability allows us to source and build naturally varied link profiles that provide sustainable and long term value to improve your organic ranking.

As an experienced outreach agency, we have developed our own processes and tools which aid us in identifying the best outreach opportunities for your brand. With brand protection front of mind, we only gain relevant and reputation enhancing links that will add value to your campaigns.

Harnessing this in-house expertise, we can manage campaigns from start to finish through the production of bespoke and targeted content. Our team of outreach experts have helped multiple businesses extend their global presence through international outreach including LoyaltyLion, Gallagher and Boyes Turner. Get in touch to find out more about our approach and how you can capitalise on the global opportunities available to your business.

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